An Illustration Of The Spirit In Which The British...
cities act occurred the other day. Galignani's Messenger, which is chit fly made up of extracts from English newspapers, was stopped at the French Post-office, in consequence of......
On A Motion By Mr. Tierney In May 1819, On
the state coy the nation, Sir Francis Burdett thus described the character of the Irish people— a with r e f er ence to Ir e land. respecting whist, each early prejulices were......
From a paragraph in the Moniteur of Monday, it appears that the appointment of Marshal Soult to represent the King of the French at the ensuing Coronation, had either been......
Complaints Of Dulness Of Trade In The Manufacturing...
continue. The failure of Spring orders from the United States is the chief cause. Injudicious restrictions on trade, and a curreney resting on a false basis in both countries,......
Mr. Wordsworth Has Addressed The Following Complimentary...
Sergeant Talfourd on the subject of the Copyright Bill. tired Mount, 15th April 1838. "My dear Sir—A strong opposition, which has manifested itself by public meetings and......
It Is Said That 310 Members Of The House Of
Commons have pis down their names to the Peel dinner on the 12th of next month.. Lord Durham arrived at Portsmouth on Monday eveining. -de ea. barked on board the Hastings on......
A most respectable and brilliant party of ladies and gentlemen, to the number of 500, assembled on Friday at the Rooms in Ingram Street, Glasgow, to express their esteem and......