It is said that 310 Members of the House of
Commons have pis down their names to the Peel dinner on the 12th of next month..
Lord Durham arrived at Portsmouth on Monday eveining. -de ea. barked on board the Hastings on the following morning, and sailed it5. mediately, with a fair wind.
Lord Durham has got no easy job in hand. There is not, at this moment, a newspaper allowed to appear in Canada that dissents from one item of the policy of the dominant party : there is it suspension of cash payments in Upper Canada. Under such circumstances, there cannot but be disaffection ; and, in addition to this, there are many ir. ritating questions between Canada and the United States unsettled. This is the crisis of Lord Durham's fate as a statesman : if he termi. nate satisfactorily the disturbances in Canada, he is undeniably the first statesman of the age, if he fail, he is shelved.— Glasgow Argus
The Gazette of Tuesday announced that Sir Frederick P. Robin. son, Knight Commander of the Bath, has received the Grand Cross of that Order ; and that Lord Charles Manners and Sir James Macdon- nell, Knights Companions, have been appointed Knights Commander, of the Bath.
Sir Edward Stuart Baynes is gazetted Consul at St. Petersburg, and Mr. Thomas de Grenier Fonblanque, Consul at Philadelphia.
The Reformers of Newcastle-upon-Tyne have sent to town a sub- scription towards defraying the expenses of the Hull inquiry.
The town establishment of Mr. Ellice, in Arlington Street, his been broken up, and the whole of the domestics suddenly discharged; the right honourable gentleman and his daughter, we are informed, in- tending to sojourn for a lengthened period on the Continent. Mr. Ellice junior, it is known, has accompanied Lord Durham on his ex- pedition to Canada. The elegant Gothic mansion in Arlington Street, formerly belonging to the late Sir Hurry Goodricke, has been let by Mr. Ellice for two years.—Post.
Mr. Bowes, NI. P. for Durham, has written to the papers, denying that the report of his being about to be raised to the Peerage, as men- tioned inn several journals, has any foundation.—Ifull Advertiser.