The Lords met last night ; and were chiefly occupied
with receiving petitions. The only noticeable point in their Lordships' proceedings, was a question and answer respecting the appointment of Lord Dur- ham's legal adviser. Lord Wiscurcsea said—
Having seen in the papers of to-day a statement respecting the appointment of a gentleman as the legal adviser to the noble Earl her Majesty's representa- tive to Canada, he would beg leave to ask, whether the person so stated as ap- pointed was the individual who once stood at the bar of their Lordships' House on a case of adultery of the most atrocious and disgraceful character ? He hoped that the public papers had been misinformed.
Lord MELBOURNE replied--.
That no appointment of a legal adviser had taken place. On reconsidera- tion, it had nut been thought proper to make such an appointment.
Lord Wise IIILSE A said, the answer was most satisfactory.