28 APRIL 1838, Page 16
B foonsmtv,
The Life of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. By James Gillman. 1122 vole. Vol.1.
Pickering. Inatcov,
Fitzherliect : or. Lovers and Fortaine.Hunters. By the Authoress of "The It ide of
Siena." In 3 vole Saunders end Otle,y, Ficrion, Valais and sliieloivis of Irish Life. By Mrs. S. C. Hall. Author of ''The Buccaneer,"
Ste. &v. In 3 yule Cullman ,FINIC Atm, Works or Art and Artists in England. By G. F Waagen, Director of the Rtwal Gollei y lit Bcrlin. 3 Tole. Murray.