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To-day, the Duke of Wellington, Sir Robert Peel, and Lord Lynd- hurst, with a large party of Conservative peers and noblemen, dine with the Goldsmith's Company, at their splendid ball. Mr. Alderman Copeland is to take the chair : that gentleman, after veering about for some time, having settled into a decided Tory.
Two hundred electors of Lambeth dined together on Monday, at the Horns Tavern, Kennington ; on which occasion a handsome piece of plate was presented to Mr. Baldwin, the unsuccessful Tory candidate for Lambeth at the last election. Among the company, were Mr. Scarlett, Mr. Kemble, Captain Wood, Mr. Wolverley Attwood, and Dr. Croly.
Dr. Chalmers delivered his first lecture on the subject of a National Church Establishment, at the Hanover Square Room, on Wednesday. The room was well filled : among the audience were the Duke of Cambridge, Sir Robert Inglis, $ir James Graham, Lord Bexley, Lord Teignmouth, and several Bishops. The Doctor's second lecture was delivered yesterday, to a crowded audience, including the Duke of Cambridge, the Earls of Jersey, Roseberry, Harrowby, and Wicklow, Lords Bexley, Wodehouse, and Sandon, Sir George Sinclair, Sir James Graham, 'Mr. Charles Lush- ington, Sir Robert Inglis, and Mr. William Gladstone. The Doc- tor's argument was directed against " the economists," who would treat religion as if it were merchandise, and apply the principles of free trade to the instruction of the people in the truths of the gospel. During his lecture there were repeated bursts of cheers and laughter.
A prospectus of a new banking company, on a large scale, to be called the " Commercial Bank of London," is circulating in the City. The capital of the new company is to be 2,000,000/., of which one-ball is to be paid up by January next ; and as the shares are to be 1,0001. each, there is at once a solid basis to begin upon.— Times.