28 APRIL 1838, Page 9


'fhe Glenisla. Watkins. from London to the Cape, got ou shore near Brest, on the 17th instant, and it is feared would go to pieces. Arrived-At Griveiviel, April 91st, Blakely, Snipe. from Manilla ; 2:td. Ange- lina,. Creed. hum 11.111111:118 ; awl 96th, Mailagitacar, Marker. from Bengal. Off Pmts. num, to, '25t1t. 1.1.w ho, t Iraid. from Van Diemeo'd land. At Plymouth, 94th, Mermaid. Chaim:au, foe. Bombay ; Steins Castle. Petrie; and Richard Bell, Rogers. from chiha. At St. Helena. previous to Oh March. Arlyucate„ Wilson; Pen oil Park. M1 idl.lon 1 'ti.l Sr J. It. Reid. i2timiniag. bum Mauritius: Frances, Heath; and Malabar. ‘1.15,1rom Bombay ; Veitheatire, Jameson, from Bengal ; C. F:ndieott, ; UIissit, ; and Emily, —, thou Singapore; ion! Frances Ann --, holm t•ihoii. At ti. Cape, Feh.16111, Semiramis, (Steamet) trom London. At Van Land, Not,. 11th, Juliet, Wilson ; 140, Alidi °Medi, Jacks; Slat, Susan. Nea In ; and pee. 6t11, Auriga. Chalmers, from bunion. Sahhitl-IttmIh biraVeleild. April 94:11. Java, Jobling, for China; and Reliance. weever. or halr.s ; aud 2301, Asia. Dillon. tor ditto. From Liverpool. 21et. Here- ford, It valiant. for China; aud Adrastuti. Day. for Mauritius ; 5.l, J. Ilulmea, JAM for lieu:tal ; 534 Lady Icaot. Emery. fur Bombay ; 24th, Jolene. 'kingship. Cur itessatt and Ma‘abas, btinlItatil, roe Ihnallay ; asd Xith, lttpiey, Wend. for Bellgas