WAS•OPFICR. April 24.-11114 Regt. Light Drags.-Major II. Pane, from the 9lb F001, to be Lieut. Col. by purrhase, vice Bruton. who retires. 14th Regt. Light Drags:-Qu utermaster W. (lathe to he Ailjt. aid' the rank of Cornet, vice Leary, pootiotril ; Quartermaster S. tIn Ill iI,b from the 72.11 Foot, to be Quartette:tater, vice t 71 al he'. 9th Foot -Capt. G. L. I Pay i s to lie SI ajor, by pa rehase, vice FA 11,; promoted in the Iltit Light Drags.; Lieut. A. Harper to be Capt. by purchase, tire Davis; Ensign C. Elnillirst, to be I.ieut. by purchase, vice Burr; G. Pearson, lieut to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Elmhirst. 22t1 Feat -Lieut. W. IL Kelly to be Adjutant, sic, Chalmers, who resigns the Adjutancy only. 42d Fout -Capt. W. Beales, boat this half-pay ttuuiultaeiittt, to be Capt. vice J. L. Alexander, who exchanges; Ensign A. W. Maedonalli lobe Lient. by purchase, tie,' C. O. Cantpliell. n 110 retires; sir F. W. Dun. liar. Bart. to be Ensign by purchase. y ice Maedonald. ;Ibt Foot-Brevet tarot:Cul. II Ellaith, from the hulf-pay unattachea,to be Major, vice 17. Stewart, 0110 exchanges; Capt. W. !Wilily to be Major, by purchase, ice Ellarch who retires; Lieut. Sir H. Dalrymple, Bart. to be Capt. hy purchase. ire Denny ; E osign A. T. Hamilton to be Livid hy ,rchase, vice Dalrymple ; R. R. I: Macke. Gent. to be Ersigu. by purchase. vice II alaiIto ; Sergt..Major W. M iller to be Quartermaster, vice Brodtibb, appointed to the 11;11 laght Dra.:s.
1:;111:i.-011,--TIte Rev, W. B. Smith to be Chaplain to Cho Gartilion of Edit btugh Castle, ice thane dec.
WA ItaiFF•cm, April g7.-411. Rect. Dragoon uat ds -Cornet G. It ochfort to he Lieut. by purchase, vice Joliet, a ho relircs; I,. T. Jacob, Gent, to be Cot net by patch:the, vice Roclifort ; Lieut. C. I'. Ibbe;sun to Adjt. S ice Gossett, olio resigns the Adju-, holey only. 141 11 Foot -Lied. I. II. (Irealliei1 to be ('alt. by purolin se, Pringle. who retires; Ensign II. Dill to be Lieut by purchase, %ice (ireittlied ; P. A. Ire- monger, Geld. to be Ensign by pureliase, vice Hill. gout. Foot-Lieut. II. I). Coition. from the 56111 hoot to be Lieut y tee I lollinsworth, who excliaw;rs. 50 It -Lieut.
IL 11,111 Intuul I lu frOul the •111 Ii Foot, to be Meat. vice Clothe., oho exch 91101i F01) t osigu T. F. Seale to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Lecky, who tette-. : Os. borne, Gent. to be Ensign by purchase, vice Seale. 98th Foot --Lieut. C. (hi .1 to be Capt. by purchase, ski. Fieldinw, who tetites : Ensign T. II Lovett to I,. I acid. by pmehasa, vice Granet ; J. It. t7arnac, tient. to be Ensign by purchase, vice I.ovett. Brevet-F. R. Chesney, of the Royal Artillery, to be LientaCol. ill the Army : Madean, on 140111:ay Royal Attic:in Corps. to base the Weal rank of captaia dal Jag t he period of his being employed on the Gold Coast of Africa. fileitiorandom-seigt.-Major W. Miller, who is stated iii the Gazette of the 24111 A1 il 1,34, to have liven appointed Quartermister in the 71st Foot, vice Brodribb, ap- poiuted to the 14th Light Dragoons, was eppointed Quartermastet or the 724 Regt. and Out the 7 ist Foot.