The annual meeting of the Council and subscribers of the Art-Union was held on Tuesday, in the Haymarket Theatre; its former steady hoot, Mr: Charles Mathews, being no longer present to do the honours at the Lyceum. The house was well filled. Among the matters alluded to-in the report, which was read by Mr. Godwin, one of the secretaries, was the promise of a forthcoming engraving after Turner, and the announce- ment that the subscriptions of the year exceed 14,0001.: spite of war and swelling taxes, the society maintains and even gains ground. Subscriber's of ten years' standing who have never yet obtained a prize of any kind are to be presented with a reduction from the antique bust called Clyde, in porcelain-marble. After the reading of the report, and after every officer of the society had obtained the company's ratification to a vote of thanks -to every other officer, the assignment of the prizes for the present year took place by the usual lottery process.