Under Date " Sebastopol, April 22," Prince Gortschakoff...
"the fire of the enemy on the 22d was slacker. During the lad two days our loss has been much less than the preceding days." Twelve Eneish gun-boats had yesterday passed the......
SATtrannr. Early in the sitting of the House of Commons last night, Mr. LAYARD gave notice that, on "an early day," he should move a series of resolu- tions, to the effect that......
Giort [tannin.
Attention has been drawn to a curious incident in the tea trade con- nected with the enhancement of duty. It is Well known that the duty is always made to take effect from the......
The Telegraph Reports That A Meeting Of Diplomatists Took...
on Thursday at Vienna, with the object, it was said, of examining certain new propositions. It had no result, and the state of things remains as before. The Funds at Vienna had......
The Times Gives Great Prominence To An Announcement That On
Satur- day next there will be a meeting at the London Tavern to found an " Ad- ministrative Reform Association." The resolutions to be moved are con- spicuously placed : they......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCILANOK, FRIDAY APTSKTIOOK. The effect produced upon the English Funds from the recent announce- ment of the new loan has now subsided ; the accumulation of Stock......
To Correspondents.
Both the letters of "Milieus" have reached us. It is not our practice to obtrude such matters of private interest upon the public. Nor would it be possible to notice a tithe of......