The telegraph reports that a meeting of diplomatists took place
on Thursday at Vienna, with the object, it was said, of examining certain new propositions. It had no result, and the state of things remains as before. The Funds at Vienna had fallen.
The Patric publishes a message from Vienna, stating that "the Aus- trian Government has decided upon a new levy of 80,000 men. It is also given as probable that our Cabinet will renew its proposal relative to the mobilization of the Federal contingents."
M. Drouyn de Lhuys left Vienna yesterday. According to the _Daily News, Count Cavour and all his colleagues in the Sardinian Ministry have resigned. The King has accepted their re- signations. General Durando has been charged with the formation of a new Cabinet.
. An Imperial decree defers the opening of the Paris Exposition to the 15th May.