The New Philharmonic Society's Concert On Wednesday Had...
noticeable feature—Beethoven's Choral Symphony, which occupied half the evening. The performance was painstaking, and tolerably correct. There had evidently been careful......
Parisian Ticratricals.
M. Octave Feuillet, who has gained a literary fame by his proverbes, is the author of a two-act comedy, entitled Peril en to Detneure, recently produced at the Theatre Francais.......
T Balm Anti Muir.
Signor Graziani, one of the new comers promised in the Royal Italian Opera programme of the season, made his debt on Thursday, in Verdi's Dwane. He appeared in the character of......
The Theatrical Dulness Of The Period Is Somewhat Relieved By
the arri- val of a French company, comprising several of the actors of the Theatre de le Gaite ; who have brought with them their military drama, Les Cosaques. This piece, which......
Ttttrr Tu T4r (cahn.
ARMY ABUSE GENERAL-COLONELS. • 19M April 1855. San—The principle laid down in the following extract from the article on "Merit as a Mlle to Promotion," in your Speeta for of......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCILANOK, FRIDAY APTSKTIOOK. The effect produced upon the English Funds from the recent announce- ment of the new loan has now subsided ; the accumulation of Stock......