28 APRIL 1894, Page 40

Signs and Shadows. Collected and arranged by Frederick George Lee,

D.D. (W. H. Allen and Co.)—Dr. Lee, having already pub- lished three volumes on the Supernatural, now adds a fourth. The arrangement is not all that could be desired. Why should the curious story of the seaman and the seagull, on p. 40, be put out of its proper place, which is surely among " Warnings of Danger and Death," and inserted among " Haunted Localities " Some of the examples, too, are of but little significance. The most important is Dr. Lee's narrative of an experience of his own ; it was of a haunted room, and is open, as far as we can see, to no cavil. The locality and its traditions were absolutely strange to Dr. Lee. The suggestion of coincidence appears to be wholly un- tenable. We recognise the importance of the subject which our author here handles. To establish the reality of supernatural occurrences would be to deal a great blow to materialism. Would it not, then, be better quietly to set about the task, and mean- while abstain from the unbecoming language which is used in the introductory chapter ? Moreover, it is necessary to be precise in all details. The name of the clergyman mentioned on p. 46 is misspelt. This is a trifle, but it tells.