Builders Of American Literature. First Series. By Francis...
LL.D. (Gay and Bird.)—Many years ago Dr. Underwood, who is now United States Consul at Edinburgh, published two handbooks of English literature. Of these volumes one was devoted......
But She Has Done Better Work Than This.—the Eve Of
St. Michael and All Angels, and other Verses. By Emma Marshall. (J. W. Arrowsmith, Bristol.)—These verses are full of tenderness and devotional feeling. Mrs. Marshall has won no......
The Celtic Twilight, Men And Women, Dhouls And Paeries. By
W. B. Yeats. With a Frontispiece by J. B. Yeats. (Lawrence and Sullen.) —We have here a moat fascinating little book on Irish folk-lore, which will appeal to readers of very......
The Old Garden, And Other Verses. By Margaret Deland....
by Walter Crane. (Osgood.)—This is a pretty volume to look at, every page being daintily decorated with fantastic designs in colour. Mr. Crane's pleasing art may be almost said......