" Sitting In The Air." Rto The Editor Or Tee
wsraor.roz."] the first volume of the Saturday Magazine, 1832, -occurs the following account of a Brahmin named Sheshal, 'who was then performing this feat at Tanjore, in Madras......
[TO THE EDITOR Or TEE " SPECTATOR. " ] Sin,—In regard to what are called by the unpleasant name of "Death-duties," you ask (in the Spectator of April 21st, p. 524) why Sir......
The Size And Weight Of Books.
' THE EDITOR THE wfipzerwroe'l pia,"—Pablisiers are accustomed - to criticism of all kinds, including Many complaints Which are mutually destructive of each ether. If a......
'taxation Of Personalty For Municipal Purposes.
[To ma EDITOR OP TEE " SPECTATOR:11 SIEr°4 - 011r leading article in the Spectator of April 14th, on the "London County Commit Budget," is of special general interest, in that......
FAIRIES. FAIRIES are dancing, are dancing in the meadows, Slip out through the window, not a soul will see ; Let us watch them playing, through the moonbeams and the shadows,......