"The Spectator" Crossword No, 31 By XANYareex.
[A prize of one guinea will be given to the sender of the fiat correct solution of this week's crossword puzzle to be epee, Envelopes should be marked Crossword Puzzle," and showy be received not later than first post on Tuesday. No encelopel will be opened before noon on Tuesday. The name of the wino will be published in our next issue.] 4 5
3//I 111111WAIMIllf /11AI
• 111/ AM' /11.
30 32
28 29
34 23
4. Painter's implement.
9. Cut stone.
10. " Time's -, if you spin it gives its quotum once a minute " (Gilbert).
11. Milky.
13. " The House will now divide : - to the right. . . "
14. Go away 1 16. " Like - upon the fretful porpentine."
17. Indo-European.
19. Add a letter to a French
artist and it lets you in. 21. " And suicide is a offence," remarked Ko-Ko. 26. Attack.
28. This game is an old Spanish custom.
30. Wine.
31. A laughing barrier.
32. Old French Province.
33. The ocean has a fantastic end.
34. Japanese nobleman.
35. Sideways.
1. Cricket club whose headgear became notorious during the Test Matches.
2. Sing about wine ? Scandal- ous!
3. Kind of crocodile.
5. Workman.
6. Drift. .
7. Proverbially a hard worker.
8. Stirs up. • 12. Bladders. 15. Screen lady, who only nosh a little anger to become blood-sucker.
18. Cling about a sane misturs. 20. Neat confusion is liable tt erupt.
22. It's Greek but follow up with a bet, and in quite English.
23. Out-and-out.
24. A mixture of the lain.
25. Girl's name.
26. Famous Flemish artist (with a van in front).
27. Another name for whit Scott called a " fit nurse ke a poetic child."
29. " Oh, to be waft any from this black oyeeldans of sorrow, where the du.9t an - to-day . • •" 661d Bunthorne.