The Complaint of Jehudah Abravanel IN spring the sap, by virgin birth reborn, surges from withered roots to winter-numbed limbs ; old wounds now bleed afresh, old pains revive.......
Post-Cubism IT has long been a subject of lamentation to some and of rejoicing to others that Cubism is dead. During the first years of Surrealiste domination, indeed, it looked......
Dmecr Subscribers Who Are Changing Their Addresses Are...
notify THE SPECTATOR Office BEFORE MIDDAY Oft MONDAY OF EACH WEEK. The previous address to which the paper has been sent and receipt reference number should be quoted.......
A Hundred Years Ago
".THE SPECTATOR," APRIL 27TH, 1833. Captain Richbell, well known-for many years as resident Magis- trate of the .Thames Police, died, at the age of seventy-five, on Wednesday......