Cross-swearing. Between Thornton And Macdonald Runs To...
latter making admissions incriminating both and the former denying them, so far, at least, as he was concerned. On one point new light is definitely thrown. The verbatim report......
It Must Have Been A Dreadful Experience For Any Americans
in England listening to the news bulletin on Sunday evening to hear' the announcer speak of the cruise of the President and the Prime Minister on what he most deplorably 'called......
Mr. Bernard Shaw Is Safe Back In His Own Hertfordshire
now, and his achievements in the United States are in a sense old news. But as a study in values the New York papers that have reached England simultaneously with Mr. Shaw'......
For What Inscrutable Reason, I Should Like To Know, Has
the name: of Mr. Srinavasa Sastri been omitted from. the list of Indians invited to co-operate with the Select Committee of the two Houses on Indian Reform? Fourteen years ago I......
A Spectator's Notebook I T Is Quick Work On The Part
of the Soviet authorities to have got a verbatim report of the first two days of the Moscow trial translated into excellent . English to the extent of close on 300 pages......
Mr. Churchill's England
O N Monday evening, while a distinguished company of members of the Royal Society of St. George were sitting at dinner in a London hotel, where a guard of honour in Elizabethan......