Machine Art
SIR,—I receive cuttings of all Press references to typewriters and typewriting. I was interested to read the paragraph headed " Machine Art" in your issue of August 21st, as I had not previously seen any reference to the work of Sefiorita Montserrat Escarvidol in this connection.
In the interests of accuracy, hoWever, I must take exception to the following statement:
" . . and this ingenious woman is the sole artist in the world who can provide one. . . . "
I could name at least half a dozen operators who indulge in diversions of this nature, including (modestly) myself.
It is nice to know that the Sefiorita has found a market for her work. I could hardly do this, as most of my pictures have been produced in my employers' time, and are naturally their property. They are a well-known firm of typewtiter manufacturers in Leicester. Also I have no " spare time." But perhaps they are better situated in the Barcelona Police Department ! It's a fascinating hobby anyway.—Yours faithfully, WILL H. HOLLIS.
" Abington," Cosby Road, Countesthorpe, Leicester.