A Spectator's Notebook
T HE human eye is offered enough reading matter daily to blind it for life. If only eyes were more selective and could concentrate on important issues or items of literary......
The Ugly Head It Is Very Possible That Dr. Alfred
C. Kinsey is an honest and disinterested biologist, but his publications have a air about them which smacks unpleasantly of good salesmanship. Having titillated the appetite of......
Cross I See In The Near Future An Experiment Is
to be tried in one or two of the busier London thoroughfares whereby it will be made an offence to cross the street except by a zebra crossing. Although as a nation we take......
Pedal Distress The Drawing-room Comedy Has Its...
the ceaseless intake of liquid refreshment and a propensity for gentlemen callers to be ushered in wearing overcoats and carrying their hats. These lapses from realism are......
The Bomb
HE pillars of fire that rose over Hiroshinia and Naga- saki illuminated once and for all the nature of total war at its extreme and warned the world, without ambiguity, that it......
Clothes-lines In Spite Of Protestations To The Contrary...
who are deeply enamoured of their old suits, men's clothes have changed a lot in the .past decade. The single-breasted jacket with turned-up cuffs, the tapering trousers,......