Spectator Competition No. 185
Set by Joyce Johnson Readers are asked to submit descriptions of new Looking-Glass Insects. Carroll's style to be preserved, but, post-Carrollian data may be used, if desired.......
LARRY ADLER is our contemporary Paganini, a thaumaturgic per- former and one who has revealed new potentialities in an instrument with a history, certainly, but with no......
Cje &pertator, Augusst 27t1), 1853 A Dangerous...
attempted at the Rotunda Gardens in Dublin. Mrs. Graham was the guiding aeronaut, and she was accompanied by a Mr. Kennedy, a gentleman who had formerly been disappointed of a......
Spectator Competition No. 182
Report by Alan Wykes Readers were asked to imagine themselves concerned with the formation of a society for the abolition of television. Letters designed to attract the maximum......