Third world feminists
Sir: Your article by Richard West attemp- ting to convince us of the great `content- ment' of third world women (who, he seems to presume, have no feminists among their great number) left me somewhat less than convinced (7 August). Has Mr West ever visited a third world country and spoken to or even seen any typical female residents? The whole subject of feminism is one which deserves a much higher level of discussion
than mere ridicule. Backwardness in all countries (not just third world ones) is in direct proportion to their fear and con- sequent oppression of women.
Mr West may enlighten himself by reading (I mean reading thoroughly, not simply selecting one or two sentences to criticise) the best book I have read so far on the subject of feminism. It is called The Sceptical Feminist by Janet Radcliffe Richards.
Jane Prince
8a Sunningdale Gardens, London W8