28 AUGUST 1982, page 30
Solution To 569: Mixed Doubles
'A ,..E. c 3-1- 7 - 7777s... % 9 1 R j ..11 P E 77 A Z E ..T... I DI 01 1 1. 1 _ PillAlEIER 1 E-.§.1 . it E V FIlli L E. L IINIHrIP L A . IIM I L,4 c 1 4 8 A N EIR T L:,I T AI......
Crossword 572
A prize of ten pounds will be awarded for the first correct solution opened on 13 September. Entries to: Crossword 572, The Spec ator, 56 Doughty Street, London WCIN 2LL. The......
Round up Raymond Keene L ast week I promised news of the English assault on the Mexico Interzonal and the Junior World Championship in Den- mark. There is no lack of results......