Sir: Patrick Desmond's Thoughtless Article, ' 'the...
deed' (14 August) does not vindicate Simon Courtauld's argu- Ment in the same issue that `to criticise Mr Begin's Israel is not to be anti-semitic'. On the contrary, the......
The Climbing Runner
Sir: I appreciate there may be more world- shattering events than the present discus- sion about the derivation of runner-beans. Simon Courtauld wrote (Notebook, 7 August) that......
Third World Feminists
Sir: Your article by Richard West attemp- ting to convince us of the great `content- ment' of third world women (who, he seems to presume, have no feminists among their great......
Compton Mackenzie
Sir: I have been commissioned by Chatto & Windus Ltd to write a biography of the late Sir Compton Mackenzie who, amongst other things, contributed the column Sidelight to your......
Don't Ask A Policeman
Sir: Simon Courtauld's item on Marie Lloyd and 'If you want to know the time ... ' (Notebook, 14 August) sprang to mind when I was covering the High Court case concerning Sean......
Peace and human rights Sir: How does Mr Garton Ash know that not 'a single "unofficial person" from END' went to Warsaw during Solidarity' s overground period (21 August)? This......
Small Point
Sir: In his review of the film Death Vengeance, a vigilante epic, your film critic writes (14 August): 'Chicago itself broods over the film like some doomed shanty town, wide......
Mr Begin's Israel
Sir: It is good that the Spectator's columns contain forthright condemnation of Menachem Begin, and that Simon Court- auld (Notebook, 14 August) is so careful to distance......
Sir: Your coverage of the Falklands episode has cleared up one small point: whether you run a fairly responsible journal of the liber- tarian Right or a fairly entertaining......