28 DECEMBER 1850, Page 4

',furrigu uu

GER3f ANY.--The:Dresden• Conference was opened in the Bruhl Palace on the 23d instant Varying lists have been given of the nominations which the different states have made : the discrepancy is perhaps due to the fact announced from one' quarter, that other persons than the re- gularly accredited plenipotentiaries will bepresent at the "open sittings" , of the Cm:de:ranee: Austria' steeds Count IlnolsSchonhausen ; both her Ambassador to Berlin, M. Prokesh ()eaten, and her Premier, Prince


01V ( OfiT it . 3441kr ratift vernment.: : lly hpraTassethindin thisfiregime 04 the 6lbvonamdnt43.rdjf 1830, lotteriessare &eland, - :generally; -toloillegalif OA ,stectdatboffItheir inimoral 'tendencies ;', but a, provision in the law gave 'the Governmeet the power of sanctioning a fevriar•e'nntherizistirati 'Of lotteries with'stich ob- jects as charity le thO' " 'tiellij . `'meth!; Ill.:Pinion of /SHAM,' this ex- g ceptional power hait' il" 4: "ti•eqiiiiii4,'Y and with en little sur- veillance, that theAki ''' ' araikhei4Orne the instead of the exception in Filel'0?;;{ „ .; l'.:44t: isinleaehed the. ' . tryIn this sense, and went into!, piSntisitsletailstliat unpresseC ,hssetir- bly with his views..., .ffe: ftoi,41y,.singlecl :eut,ffor, comment the.,ease of the institution known by the:name of the Loterie des Lingota d'Or,rwhith proposed to raise 10)0171,000:firmas:for. :the pretended object of sending out 5000 emigrantsto ealiforniat :s Two) memberssiet the Assembly were oris ginally theibbens of the conniiltitteget.-etuVeillentsbv.Over this body, but its

proceedings had been such 'rather than ' continue the responsibility: ' 'MeSai ittMary, the members thus referred' to--gentleilien of ' "hitari6,llig ' and excellent repute- gave exPlanations/IiitentlA 'it& "shield - the Gove o'.. eat 'from the

charge of looseadministration'• d M. Bide& e °A" long Min- isterial' rOply'ir ill "'the" #iniiihitill'.`someWhirf limier the influence of . .,,p, iKeLl's . 'I! Afrepitela order of the day:was moved by AL. • j.itng filkigi or theraejri .''Pere and simple, :was

moved. on be of,, 1•1' l 9, 'latter in elm , was" rejected, by 426. ta 192. But the ronjeaity ed,no.„segeier given thrs-rebuke, than, under the threat of M: Batch° to resign, it.repeated, antl,After an episode of insult to the "majority.!.'-by M. Ensile filirardin, resobied, by 375 to 232, its specific " oonfldencelin. the solicitude of' the Government"

The Minister-tifiFinanee,:luisitrusele en unsneeessful attempt to raise a loan ; his failure ■'...ie'lailolialritseribed to the too stringent terms with which be limited t' - i! 1°, ilkd''lliWtoo great desires of the capitalists, Who stood aloof. The"sititi .,tte:,11,,tiaall1,513,517 frames of ,Five per Cent Routes, and 492,24 ' ' -,.6r Three per Cent Stock from the Savin0


bank and LyoneBai ; .., .:.. The Minister had fixed the minimum prices of 93.50 francs ,foisllia, Ise per Cents, and 56.25 francs for the Three per Cents: only one tender:NA peeived, at the ratesof 92.40 and 51.60 for the respective stackiiiwSo-the adjudication had to be adjourned. : ::.!„.1.

IONIAN Isrsrniei—LAlliiisf Statement reached- E nd at the'ttind a kit week, that Sir ff —Wird'. .lbund-hireSelt a position to' heti!

vole the Rouse of . 31P:SkRth ' nt, in anticipation

of the day on whi YE 'pp As-,,onSoked. i:Pire'. National publishes .4 4; frpthatt4,4,-(*i

Commissioner had lily teproro .the, Ouse, in order to- '

in ?inane the projects of a: party of eleven Members who had given notice of a motion expressly declaring to the PrOteeting.Power, "that the unani- mous, firm, and unalterable -wish ef the people of the Seven Hellenic Is- lands is to recover their independence, and peoeure their annexation to their own natien-Lindependelitthelece." :''''' '-'91:- WEST Irrinles..ThP lateatrieeennts from 1 f „Ti. eSend.to the 1st instan give a,ppalling cletelligthe progre.14, . the„et.- ,Aeress the island. Kingston ktasine40,414 te0ible elimagie Mortality, 4,iAnow free from the diseaes At the ,4,- , hem 5000 fn,6000 of its itk*UtS. C Seven of the ablest RhYsiciana,o lithd:Inwn are among the viCtimaj: and members of: the .T.egislactod v ..11100 :tried off. But the 'dis- ease, in leaving , the demi*, long. 4e.,§cast, has struck re- gions of a ehara§tes: that :IA§ liati -Ail it giekaPted them from in- vasion—the mountain ringst4,,wttfit their exPoSed stations aid cool vallies, have been visited -,yrith, tali exthr*inating virulence. lgie trustworthy Morning Journal Onedemi-00 the fatality an ...;. le rpprii- " From St. Davidfrightfirl aceotiots " ye. been . . tight to:1,6m. Not only. 116 have the great Matti Of the . population "Weep. . Eleven Mile Tavern and Tallah's, and a large,ssurnber of the inhahi nta inandaround Elsington, been swept away, but it is said that the whole .Poliee Itirce, sergeants, corporals, and privates, have heen immolated ; the whole Slice dying, as it is said, un.- derliteral *ant of 'ffastenance, ' in consequence of the non-payment of their pay.. :The statement has been made for some days in the colninns of a con- temporary, and has not been denied. It is impossible, however; that such charge can long escape inquiry. The money, we have reason to believe, was forwarded from Kingston, and some rim must be responsible for its non-dis- tribution. It is a thing toe' trightatr:Itar 'contemplate, that an entire de- tachments:if police should have le 'to die of cholera, without even the eemforts derived finds their hard-e 9irijim,:e'," ''0 .ti.kr.%/, ofil .., The epidenlie hadrappeared at Radticily In Usettathupitrish Milt. David's, a property upwards of 3000 feet ,above-thisittaevel, enjoying" the finest climate known on the face of .thd ortatioU'w and it had touched similar altitudes in the parishes of: Port' Royal and St. Andrevi. It has been frightfully malignant at MiddletonCoffee-plantation, the.property of the Duke of Buckingham ; and 'it his manifested itself at Charlottenburgh, Chester Vale, Newton, and ether properties; all .situate at an altitude that has hitherto defied febrile. diseases. - ,::: s :, , Some of the moral ineidents4hkhhaveibeteddveloped by the' progress of the disease are even more distressing than the physical injuries which it has inflicted' -"With-gee/6 mitable exceptions, the heartlessness of the people," says the Colonial Sinaloa, " hasgiyeti pain to their best friends."

"Not only have many Of them refused even the commonest attention to the dying and the dead, but there are numbers who have speculated on pub- lic charity,' and made money out of what anywhere else' would' have been considered the deepest affliction. * Ve have heard, from various' visiters among the sick, of husbands and brothers receiving'pecuniary aid "for the re-

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6IPsd littoet h. BaY.Sixkosi ;gm?: Wen .e.4.11* 11:119114 plifiltfpl i)uoily of HolateinAytite.41CingslIttlia,aseusla,HartotrechlintlIteateel gotiatonot:the treaty o1lallihr.:5cHeasadlosselfork6datHasiezipiltig,xdStiei fountaimandi 8unixtvottheiitialtheetikele4isn.fiennealii3ttfidettsticissedypitte rather ief =84041V hl. ltetll4roua.Wasyioentitoiiiatu1 ii" eg Le& jyro8 alaumt mig "OPel io litaiifilfirieil? SS v ,:. ' I4111W was. an " si sss.' " Prim: 0 iffia I I II i itilligil It Anteiiiati : I • • . Mt 'OA .itft ein-ita e I. "MPJ IR8 ' ' -ttr a 70% 8." 1

.... . , .stese q 9 .

P 'Tell.\!!n. ' "Ifrilitthi hsi-toqz no 4(i and VloNlifi 141Maa 01,1941aigr.rrr. Po it s-M,'SW,FPRznA:"Ns WW1: AlF4110 cUlPicii iin -thejtiPetaii)csffloWth .7011U14411b1 it1113111141 .

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wri00d " le loptettektmliettl.

i: tv ire. ea, .: .., •:. 1 tt . ofisfe,!e•Tff * ''`'' s 1 71qii..,°,,, LLLC .: 'I I : ■■•10 i . IO I

thioin liW Wiled '

Nati • -.. ' inoViif V fig' h. off have -: i :: Jed Meet eitNlisi WW. ea iwtheif b EiViiiikeisedidl foredlIguibkelireotivitanitelutiinetriatictriNSlifelxlinthitt4cliebe atrongi heilfhypeligkeinallyabildraieeirellnecipline aridalle tailift wihoinsainteent co:fir:et seislilumellitteed4with ntheeirediesbifinflifferetrei whilatithie :work: !awe beinttelent-4;the-gentOihMullirWhitFrif I itbei•e:flitOing Acerikdslie fl.fleei putation of the Merchants Soei Offiltei0499-dsefleVitt 4s./1f', slOPth ,%9•FlkiI-ifffill bifilit 0 ail" 1 .; , I? fire cif:Th(1 " it a Ito ' 4314i

e p ague. MA fi 1

if e Me

culty has been esNrieg ilk nazi; 141

aicr: :.1.e.-whsrmaRgatii amitineth lwateettiiirkleath. dlifiwawidsitti smite:that:VW

oisonetftwhilit AlbeWhites 11 ant: we flare

convinealthat many h have fullest akar**, wretehitteleluaion from the nonobseramee of,advice. and,preseriptionetendered by the who might have saved them] ;although more, here suffered from the total disre- gard •f niedi Oleic by heartl mdividuals who ,professed to be in

a arelc,„ e have the grounds for stating that there is

IV ci eengeneie in %inviter) -Lt ya been industriously engaged, i'thffiera arrived at ifit' X"-t',.. preparing untechnical 'docu- - ifien rid are aeafgriited ' — s,' by which'the wretched hovels rn -fru bb "are tranSferred n by the parties iii,Whein the fee had prorioirslysitted, buVvihey had-Wail drf8ny3 and deeka,dead of the 'cho- la:at! .4Theit documenta `are signaltatith: a markainlyi and'nembers of them havobeen taken' about:by:persons whalime offeraltheiritear:to their execti. tion by the grantors: :On inquirybeing made of theininlniretliti grantors were, the artswer flenerallylveniilln.ttlie1ClitelniallWeePitial:irr-the truth being that theeiventor had 4.00111.1W110il a?feTteli HalUP0:80,fsz hited-thO'Yelkf:Tota,.., thapit„ wou4 false deliccmy itn-cien ..n.t...tiPS08142,-0ke :90/18eili9( t•)0

0 e- .1' t -9 •.14, h

err` im . • •-: ce ir nelor es the ': linte of leave r Out brave, a leate itl but an impossibility', ft', of her master. Iii Err&


who' o

‘ The 948 ' thelh that kacteethe Black 'pecipletwercr,

.". ,.• iir t re5'taliiiiieepi . :l iefe@eRaitkeete, g!ii41k In Jeinaica, the servant ota•lhatself,the ,o'followeel,:i Shet ishiesever the worlectlititis to be-itenti4ortire wagesthe reueiieaVandl sliwstarts off almost before the sun sets; ta-reteive and code:dinner leethe :last paramour on whom .she has fiseclthar,offeeliicutel ':keeipte-;stOlcit,twbat•alie could from her master's pantry, .9rp, , Or X0 AAT, Ime,01,atable.- It is this fright- 8 of morale -,00 ori,T04 the: hovels that dis- gra.ee Kingston. There are: 0 of -,, ., : .r need of moral de- prev#Y, leaving altogether Of • : , ... ' eeding-giounds of endeMie disorders fre ' -theffill : : . .4., I : -means should be

f ,. ,

taketil tit destroy theM : , t t ,au: in ,,Li • . table Vet',

'-'iiho have been' 6 erepetibileir of celdst'aight 'weeks, will

don • l'Inctit will be in ietinlie rill' down present ituisances,% imless•some united step betaken te aleiterithe'inoribtinisanterilwhich:mtist in;Kingston. It !mild be false deliency,ter•qiinceed„ggete,:at seek a pexied as this, The trathis, that virtue deep AO lEiiiitr ae a very, Vtareption, amongst the lower classes of theinelelpo e (Ai, and if 1 ,ere.ig to be any hope of vine them, it res : IlseAni o famtlyr Km ton. Igo house t is employed itilS d'vflie ' ,afriii iffaetory character • 'note . 3' eg,ti-' '' ill err b is eivrifeaedly without ihitintter. Sabha woman ca it,it&-iCa th, , de tin 'the premises of Piiiitiffakter,- filt `she "has other metrittira duties te ' discharge. No, the inhabits at night one 41111e:hovels Whiehetvelliasiminentioned,*a building, if it. can be so:called, 'made of eastiewipostOoardedwithealtefish,boxes, and shingled. withtbariel-steves, which Genie-MA Totettaii,a0me werthlesa fellow, who lives on her wages and rejoices,imzsopertien, Om is,enabled to pilfer from her employer. That this is r..., re, hundreds of our respectable readers in langston The House of Assenibly M. '1" "with barely, a

°ruin ' t"ifIL'hilll" disposal of the

arid, 0 hilithi nisi tiliitiia relief to the


thank:0 one by the Efned the one final to "-adjourn on the ..Bia,6iith:e neat day 'Was' obliged to beeerriber. Go- ' ft'llib request of 'd.'recnimmoning it Of members in town ,tit:4,day of a sea-

0A4 stages ; and on

the lollowing, day, it. tfleeimed; Ac, anninh i ? y) I :land :Governor. The 'House-then againi by.itoneertiatithildritEsacelleneyendjourned to the 10th December'. :' , ,li;ibsogial ei :it .1a,iivq, a ,..sd left ern i!,


thee: reeei •

the §itapdard declares 46113fAhtl?0ii(xli and pro- tit rjergrimees, with outlines that

;Jr,, nue uen a state of se- a is,teio,happy to be out of it with- werer, it is all t on the premises ea' no • followers.'