28 DECEMBER 1850, page 13

L E A Ann Afx 3 .1 Iii K V A L Iiii N. O7e!

, a,,,y,,(3_ AtIl ,T,Isk,A,v5„, - . - Ax t i m .,~,234 December 1850. tit, ..$ B yll a i t rZa/04/413%IrK i1; .. e l ldatION101 :7 4 , , 4 1k., ■ afi tteVIlaftaig9 dn......

What Ie Merel Nominal Church Goternmsnt.

F to by yy ntemlibecia fhp_Legtalaturtrirlto is also a member of the r itk g sof deprais c =r g r a r a ..e.anam °41.11jv i bt 41) 1 :1 7ri n i t l b . i Teerh'aN i . n e......

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yt .001 11' m .A.M • various subjects of knowled g e. When an " inceptive" de g ree in tiny of the faculties had thus been attained after specific examination, I would by no......