28 DECEMBER 1850, page 4

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GER3f ANY.--The:Dresden• Conference was opened in the Bruhl Palace on the 23d instant Varying lists have been given of the nominations which the different states have made : the......


The new mayoralty of Dublin will be most splendidly inaugurated by 'Air. Guinness, on the 21st of January, with a banquet, at which the Lord-Lieutenant has consented to lend the......

The Election Contest At St. Alban's Has Been One Of

unusual excite- ment. At the nomination, on Tuesday, Mr. Jacob, Bell, the wealthy Quaker chemist, was proposed by Mr. Kinder, and seconded by Mr. Bow'. man amidst cries of " How......


The " Voluntaries," as the opponents of Church and State connexion are milled, held a meeting in the Music-Hall of Edinburgh on.Thursday last week, and agreed Co : resolutions......