A correspondent of the Daily Hews states that "the marble
arch" is immediately to be erected on the site of Cumberland Gate, Hyde Park ; much to the benefit of the entrance to the mansion of the Duke of Somerset, the father of Lord Seymour.
Mr. Sloane was yesterday committed for trial, on the charge of cruelty to his servant-girl Jane Wilbred • and was sent to the Compter Gaol for the present The service of transporting him from the Guildhall to the Compter was not accomplished without considerable difficulty, from the angry populace, who collected in an immense mob at all the outlets of the court.
A person was despatched to obtain a cab in some part remote from Guild- hall, and to drive round by Moorgate Street and Fore Street into Basinghall. Street, and then wait at the church ; and in the mean time it was arranged that several policeman were to guard the Magistrates' entrance and keep back the crowd from the hall, while Mr. Sloane made a rush into the hall and effected his escape by the back way to where the cab was waiting for him. An officer was sent down to the Compter with instructions to the Go- vernor to have the door open, and everything prepared Watford defendant-a ready reception on arriving there." The cab was brought quickly tar beetled,
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with filth that they looked like so manyvatidlarks. .Theenveme.e emeerto use their staves very freely on stopping at the door of the prison. Mr. Sloane, as soon as the cab-door was oeteratd, Made one bound on to the pave- ment ; ithfeefmore-toOk him into the middle of the lobby, and than the gate closed behind him. Shouts,. yells, groana; and:cede imaginable expression of disgust and horror, were reiterated by the crowd-on the way from the omirt to the Compter ; and even when Sloane was safely inside, they, lingered outside, hissing and hooting, and calling upon the turnkeys to lurn Sloane out among them and they would give him what he deserved. Six policemen remained in front of the door for some time, as it was feared that it would not be safe to leave the front-door guarded-Only by the • gaoler. Up to a late hour last night the people were still assembled outside the Compter,•hv knots of threes
fours, eloquently discussing the subject among themselves."
}Infield and Lloyd, the drivers of the two trains which caused the colli- sions on the Eastern Counties Railway.on Monday, were yesterday charged with culpable breach of the. Company's regulations, in proceeding too fast during a fog : they were remandtd: