28 DECEMBER 1850, Page 8



At the ordinary weekly meeting of theBank Directors held yesterday, it was determiued to raise the rate of discount from 21 to 3 per cent. This measure, which took every, one by surprise, had an immediate and depressing effect upon every description of Slack and 'Shares. Consols fell in all about 1 per cent; while the decline upon the more important class of Railway Shares was from 3/. to 51., and upon the minor varieties from 11. to 2/. It is understood that the Bank Directors were driven to adopt this course by the large speculation that has for some time been carried on in Foraeges . Shares; of which the importations of the last three weeks have been im- mense. The necessity of providing for,the payment of these shares in Pada has deranged the exchange between the, two countries, which had fallen as low as 24 franca 80 centimes for the pound sterling. The utter impossibility of obtaining the requisite amount of brills at almost any rate of exchange led to extensive exportation of gold. It is stated, that in addition to the , 400,000/. brought by the last West Indian packet, which never reached the Bank of England, upwards of 500,000/. in gold has been in a few days with- drawn from that establishment in order to remittance to Paris. Large as the importation of Shares must have been to occasion this demand for bullion, if seemed likely, to be carried still further, and on Tuesday the exchange, on Paris was as low as ever,-24.80 to 24.86. It advanced yesterday to 24.90, and is rather higher today,—namely, from 24.871 to 24.92i. A considerable rise has also occurred in the Dutch exchanges. Money is of course more in demand, and 3 per cent is the lowest rate at which discounts are ob- tainable. It remains to be seen whether this measure will have the desired, effect, or whether, if the exportation of gold should continue, the Bank Directors will increase still higher the rate of discount. We shbuld not omit to state that the closing price of Consols this afternoon: is 961 f, or about 1 per cent above the lowest quotation.

The prices of the Foreign Funds were more affected than Consols. Upon the better class of dividend-paying Stocks the decline was from 1 to 1 per cent ; while Mexican fell about 11, and the South American Bonds. about 2 per cent. Spanish Stock was also much depressed; the Five per Cent Active having been as low as 174. There is a general improvement in most of the markets today, varying from 1 to 1 per cent upon the lowest prices of yeater day.

We have already noticed the rapid decline of Railway Shares. The mar= kets for these securities were very heavy in the morning, but improved later in the day, and an advance of from IL to 30s. upon the principal Shares was then obtained. The Foreign Shares also fell materially. Those of the. Northern of France, in which the principal speculations have occurred, de- dined from 151 to 14t 15 per share, and are'today at an advance of about 5e. The value of these and all the other French Shares will mainly de il upon the course of prices in Paris, where the demand appears to have beet entirely occasioned by the activity of the London market. It is therefore expected that tomorrow's mail will bring intelligence of very low prices in France.


The openingprice of Consols for Account was 96f e.

, since which they have been done at 9'61. and the market is now steady at the closing prices of yes- terday-96/ 1. The French Funds fell but slightly yesterday. in Patis when the increase of our rate of discount became known, the last prize of the Five per Cents being 95.40. It is not generally known what- the state of the Share Market was, but it is evident that it must have declined, as the French Shares here are nominally at the prices of yesterday, without the occurrence of any business. There is no change or business of importance in the Foreign. Funds. The Share Market is firmer ; the only transactions yet fsterded

being—North-western, 125 124 ; South-eastern, 23. „


SATURDAY TWO O'CLOCK.` The English Funds close at an advance of if upon the morning's quotations ; after being at 961, the last price of Consols is 961 ; but'scarcely any bUsi- ness of importance has occurred. The transactions of the Foreign Market have been unimportant ; the chief business being the arrangement of ac- counts in anticipation of the settlement of Tuesday. Money is very muchin demand upon the security of the less worthy Foreign Stocks, and Shamir both Foreign and English; the range of interest being at the rate of from 10 to 20 per cent per annum. The following is the record of actual business

in this department--31exican, 351 Peruvian, 791; Ditto Deferred, 351; Rumen Four-and-a-half per Cents, 981 98; Spanish Active; 17 1 ; Ditto Passive, 3

The Railway are higher }a Liverpool and Manchester markets. actions—Ambergate, Notts, and Boe do '

sequence of the improvement of the following are the principal trans- ; Bristol and Exeter, 77 ; Cale- - Eastern Cotmti

to I01f; _Cheater and Holyeeme eratice,,131 ; tto Net.Preferenee 6 per Centeleheeierit.le ern, 17 -181. enia Western, 771 781 784 1; Ditto New, 171:01WLenntithlre.-azierlrottaltirtS An &exeunt, pungent to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, rap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday, the 21st day of Decusher 1860.


£28,749,730 Government Debt £11,016,100 Notes issued

Other Securities 2,364.1100

Gold Coin and Bullion 14,878.083 Silver Bullion 61,887 £28,779,730 £28,722,730

paw el.. DI,AXAMItXT.

Proprietors' Capital £14,653,000 Government Securities (in- -Rest 3,101798 eluding Deadweight Arnmityl £14,283,969

Public Deposit.' 10,783,5)1 Other Securities 13,785307 Other Deposits 9,201,834 Notes 10,233.710

liken Day and other Bills 1,219,187 Odd and Silver Coin MOMS - - £38,859,405 £38,859,405 Including Exchequer, Savings. Banks,Commisaioners of National Debt, & Dividend Accts. rer 9 lifliedetiulwilk .o7PP 7/ 49 Stiltotkivalanifi es w. olaiTtsy-slit ,


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