28 DECEMBER 1850, Page 8



Aylesbury has returned Mr. eleeeleriOt_ LCeleeet Q.C., for its Member of Parliament, in room of the late Lard Nugent At 'atiliiieereiiiitoe, en_ Thstraday Calvert annotineed, generilly hie erefh7-65', eeM- jerstyee Ministers, but professed that' 'he''sliatild 'bel !teeth tettete/ Mr. Hatighton, the 'extensive fattnete areflithdLegetie wireptereestee its life advocate of etational retrenchment,. by Mr.t1libbs, a Febteetiohlienotekuat admits protection to be gonetothe limb" of the leapidetstr,rfihefklectioni yesterday was altogether in . teener of. .theIeVieee mkt:trysts. trelemnellibri 499 0.197... .• ei reArg.u8 Efforts which have been made . to h effect la .obimeatemise hetwAeniIidt Nowarleand Mr. Bemis, lathe cot:1441m Soetfeelettieetifleteleteet, " most says the reetertereett I ettek-PaecreJeeefeellelPeeeeeelt himself to go_ to the Pon. Certain Ituielloedspree..te4ejeen#740 to have,hrid explanattons which set thelattegeeep from cpeTewejnflUenee;, and hereupon the tenants are said to be full Of ilec at the &Hain return of the candidate who has their good Wishes.

We hear that Mr. Dodsworth has resigned his benefice in due form ; which Mr. Bennett has not yet done.—Globe.

An aggregate meeting of the Congregationalists and Baptists in the Leeds district, held on Thursday evening under the chairmanship of Mr. Edward Baines, agreed to resolutions of a similar Anti-State-Church stamp to those passed by the Voluntaries of Edinburgh. They " strongly deprecate any reenactment of laws imposing civil penalties upon Roman. Catholics on account of their religion, and all interfereuce by the State, either by grants of money or otherwise, in matters of religion."

Last night's Gazette notifies that the state apartments at Windsor Castle will, now that the works arc completed, be reopened to the public on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, from the 1st of January next : visiters presenting the usual tickets supplied gratis by the Lord Chamberlain.

The Post-office gives notice that the charge on letters hence to Sweden and Norway will be reduced to the uniform rates of le. 3d. and le. 6d. the half-ounce respectively ; those rates comprising both British and foreign postage, and being payable or non-payable in advance at the option of the sender.

The German accounts correct a small but marked feature of preceding advices, by stating that it is not M. Hassenpflug whom the Government of Hesse-Cassel has commissioned to represent it at the Dresden Con- ference, but M. von Baumbach.