28 FEBRUARY 1835, Page 12

ebe Cowart?.

From all parts of the country there are accounts of the intense anx- iety with which the result of the election of Speaker was expected ; and the popular joy at the success of Mr. Abercroreby appears to have been ahnost as general. The Tories have lost their temper, as well as a good deal of money, by their defeat.

An address of congratulation from the city of Norwich to Mr. A ber- eromby, on his election as Speaker, in the course of six hours received the signatures of between 900 and 1000 most respectable electors of that city.

Already, in more than one county we could name, is canvassing going on, in expectation of another dissolution.—licrahl.

Upwards of 1,600/. has already been subscribed towards the erection of a statue, or some oilier memorial of national gratitude, to Earl Grey, for the services which he has rendered his country by the passing of the Reform Bill.

A Company is forming at Bristol with a capital of half a million, divided into shares of 1001. each, for the purpose of opening a direct trade with China.

On Monday, a new wing which Lord Francis Egerton had added to the old mansion of Worsley Hall, in Lancashire, was accidentally set fire to, and burnt down.

Sixty houses in Peterborough were burnt on Monday morning. The fire originated in the chimney of a thatched cottage the roof of which was ignited by a spark ; and the wind being very high, the neighbouring tenements were soon destroyed.