The French Plays.
LEMAITRE, the star of the French company, is an actor that every playgoer may see with pleasure, and every performer study with advantage. He is a consummate artiste. We have......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE. FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The history of the fluctuations of the Money Market during the last few thet s may be read in the proceedings of I he House of Commons; the......
Division On The Address To Tiie King.
OPPOSITION MAJORITY. FOR TIIE AMENDMENT. AelICSOIL ViSCL, Armagh C. Maim C.. Clailanannan 6../iinr. C. Anl ionby, 11. A.. Coe/arm:A Alston, It.. liertferdshire Andover, Lord,......
SATURDAY. There is not a word of Foreign News in the papers of this morning. The prevalence of stormy weather has prevented the arrival of vessels from the Continent.......
We Thank The Member Who Sent Us The Communication Respecting
the Speakership; but he ill see from the crowded state of our columns that it Has impossible to find room for it ; and moreover, the inte.ust attached to the subject has been......