The history of the fluctuations of the Money Market during the last few thet s may be read in the proceedings of I he House of Commons; the prices of Stocks having alt' ays risen upon any prospect of the continuance ot the present Ministers in pow er, and fallen w hen the chance of a change has been apparent. It is not from this cir- cumstance to be inferred th.rt the Stockholders are more essentially Tory than the rest of the community, but that all agitations, whether politiral or otherwise, are v:ewcd with dislike by the capitalist. On Tuesday afternoon, as soon as tlar King's Speech became known in the City, a decline of more than I per cent, took place in the price of Consols, principally oceasioned by a report that among the other Ministerial arrangements n tax upon the Funds was in contemplation : with the next morning, borrow, this error was corrected, and w ith the appearance of Ministerial strength, furl:bled by the proceedings of Tuesday night, the price, which had the evening before been at 901, rallied to 91, and afterwards improved to 91t for Money. and 911 for the April Account. The division of last night has thrown another damp over the market. and to-day Consuls have again receded. It is, however, still hoped that the Minister may obtain a majority upon the bringing up of the report of the Address; and though the market is heavy, it has not declined lower than to 911 for the Account. The other English Stocks are in demand ; especially the Reduced 31 per Cents., which are very scarce. With the present abundance of money, nothing but politieal agitation can keep down the price of Public Securities.
The Foreign Stocks fell w ith Consuls ; and on Tuesday afternoon, Dutch and Portuguese were unsaleable at any thing near the nominal prices : they have, however. all since reached to and are now nearly at our last quotations. The Foreign Funds are IVAT so distinctly influenced by home politics, that they completely follow the course of our own Funds ; and theref ice the history of the mutations of the Consul Market is, with the requisite changes of names and prices, on account of the fluctuations of Foreign Funds.
A new Mining speculation lets been introduced this week,--viz. the Candonga Company ; a Brazilian enterprize, the shares of which have been eagerly purchased at W., but are now at 5/. to 6/. prem. The other Mining Shares have improved ; parti- cularly the Del Monte, which are at au., and the Del Rey, which have risen to 91.
Nothing of importance has occurred this morning ; and prices, with the exception oe Portuguese Bonds, which have slightly impreved, are the same as yesterday.
3 per Cent. Consols 911 Ditto for Account 911 1 New 3/ per Cent. Annuities —• Bank Stock 2231 1 India Stork
Excheqeer Bills 34 33 Belgian 5 per Cents 1011 21 Brazilian 5 per Cents 811 Dauish 3 per Cents 77
Dotal 21 per Cents.
561 French 3 per Cents ..... — Greek, 1833. 5 per Cents.... — Mexican 6 per Cents. 411 421 Portuguese 5 per Cents oai Do. Regency erip, 5 per Cent
Russian, 1822, 5 per Cent... 1101 Spanish, 1821,5 per Coat— 58i :1 Ditto New Scrip 5: