It Is Said That The British Ministry Have Proposed To
use their good offices for the settlement of the contending claims of Don CARLOS and his niece in Spain; but that the Spanish Liberals have rejected the offer. There seems,......
Lord Napier Died At Macao, On The 11th Of October.
The Chinese authorities at Canton forced him to leave that city, by prohibiting all the natives from supplying him with provisions, or in other ways serving him and his......
H7rbates1 Ant Prorrching1 In Parliament.
1. THE OPENING—THE KING'S SPEECH. On Tuesday, the King in person formally opened the session of Parliament. The attendance of Peers in the temporary House of Lords was unusually......
News Of The Week.
THE Tory Ministers have been defeated on the Address, but by a majority disgracefully small. After a debate of three days, which was terminated yesterday morning, the numbers......
The Ministry Of France Is Again Unsettled. Marshal...
resigned the Presidency, and Louis PHILIP is busily employed in reconsturcting his Cabinet. He has sent for SOULT from his estate at the foot of the Pyrenees, and for General......