The Cheltonian Army List. (J. Dartes, Cheltenham.)—It is a good
idea for a school to put together the names of the alumni who are now serving, or have served, in the Army, especially when it can show so imposing a list as Chelten- ham now produces. Part I. gives the names of 903 officers serving in January of the present year, while in Part II. (officers who have served in former years) the number is 1,414. It is noticeable that the proportions of the various corps differ considerably in the past and the present. So we have :— There is no mistaking the significance of these figures, especially as regards the cavalry, which is becoming more and more a preserve of the rich. Indeed, what with polo teams and the like, only the rich can exist in it. The list of South African honours is very creditable ; it shows K.C.B., 2; C.B., 31; C.M.G., 13; D.S.O., 58.
Artillery and Engineers Cavalry Line Battalions Indian Army
'077 '459 132 Present.
1124 103 '215