Racial Animosity.
[To THE EDTTOE OP THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sra, — The German Navy League's travelling cinematograph entertainment, to which all classes and ages flocked last autumn, consisted of,—(1)......
The German - Americans.
[To :HS EDITOR OP TEE "SPEcUrToi. ° ] Slit,•—.1 have just read in the latest issue of your paper to reach this country, that of January 31st, an .exceedingly interesting article......
The New Scheme Of Naval Training.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR:1 am delighted to remark that the writer of a letter so lucid and impartial as that of " R. N." (Spectator, Febru. ary 21st) finds himself in......
[to The Editor Op The "spectator." J
Sig,—Your appeal to German-American writers (Spectator, January 31st) to impart their views relating to living ques- tions of policy concerning Germany and the United States is......