The Emperor's Letter Is Vigorous, And In Certain Aspects...
; but we most sincerely hope that it will not he used for the purpose of dismissing Professor Delitzsch from his Chair, and therefore welcome Professor Harnack's assurance on......
The Austro-russian Scheme For Reforms In Macedonia Was...
the Porte on Saturday last, and accepted by the Sultan on Monday. The text of the pro- posals may be summarised as follows. Article I. recom- mends that the Inspector-General,......
Mr. Kipling's Noble Poem, " The Settler," Telegraphed...
Town, and published in the Times of Friday, marks a fitting epilogue to Mr. Chamberlain's memorable visit of en- couragement and conciliation. We can only find space ,to quote......
The Paris Correspondent Of The Times, Writing In...
furnishes an interesting commentary on the popular mis- trust of Germany in the United States. He traces it mainly to the Germanisation of a portion of Brazil, and dwells on the......
The Best Guarantee Of The Sincerity Of The Powers Is
to be found in the vigorous communique published by the Official Messenger in St. Petersburg on Wednes- day, and in Vienna on the same day. After recounting the course of......
The German Emperor's Rescript Of February 15th, Addressed...
Hohmann, criticising the position of Professor Delitzsch as a " higher critic," is an interesting document couched in the interpretative and somewhat irre- sponsible form used......
In The Commons On Monday Mr. Beckett Moved An Amend-
ment to the Address regretting that our present military system was unsuited to the needs of the Empire, and that no propor- tionate gain had resulted from the recent increase......
President Roosevelt, Who Laid The Corner-stone Of The New...
War College at Washington last Saturday, delivered a short but significant address on Army efficiency. The trend of events, he said, had forced the nation into the position of a......