The following appointments to the Bench of Bishops have been
made by Mr. Balfour. Dr. Ryle, Bishop of Exeter, is to be Bishop of Winchester; Dr. Jacob, Bishop of Newcastle, is to be Bishop of St. Albans ; Dr. Lloyd, Bishop Suffragan of Thet- ford, is to be Bishop of Newcastle; and Dr. Archibald Robertson, Principal of King's College, London, and Vice-Chancellor of London University, is to be Bishop of Exeter. Dr. Ryle is primarily a great Biblical scholar, but his success as Bishop of Exeter gives every promise for success at Winchester. Dr. Jacob's and Dr. Lloyd's appointments meet with approval from those competent to form a judgment; while Dr. Robert- son, the new Bishop of Newcastle, as Principal of King's Col- lege has showed capacity of the kind likely to make him a strong Bishop. All four appointments prove, as might have been expected, that. Mr. Balfour will spare no pains in the matter of episcopal appointments.