28 FEBRUARY 1936, Page 19


[To the Editor of Tun SPEC-rams.] Simi,—As The Tablet is the oldest Catholic weekly published in this country, your readers will naturally assume that it is one of the Catholic papers denounced by your correspondent Mr. F. °Manion.

Nothing could be further from the truth than that The Tablet has been and is Mussolinist in the matter of the Abyssinian war. On the contrary, our long sequence of editorial notes and articles condemning it Duce has brought • us fierce denunciations from Italy's champions and spokesmen. Nothing could have been more emphatic than the support we gave, in our largest type, to Geneva's judgement ; and when the Hoare-Laval episode deeply shocked the nation we were second to none in our reproach of Mr. Baldwin.

It is relevant to add that, in my own criticisms on various dailies and weeklies, I invariably take the trouble, and perhaps the risk, of naming the jumper thus criticised. Such- unqualified charges as Mr. O'Ilanion's are Wanton and unjust. —I am, Sir, yours faithfully,