28 FEBRUARY 1936, page 2

The Naval Conference Breakdown Italy's Refusal, If She...

to sign any naval agreements reached in London is no very grave matter, for the agreements were so negligible a harvest for a con- ference that was to have carried still further......

Armaments And Profits Mr. Baldwin's Repetition, On Monday...

his pledge to ensure that no excess profits shall be made out of the increase in armaments was too vague to dispel anxiety. The rearmament programme, whether necessary or not,......

The Franco-soviet Pact M. Flandin's Defence Of The...

in the French Chamber on Tuesday was convincing, but the Foreign Minister had in fact no-formidable case to meet. Germany has semi-officially pronounced the Pact to he......

Empire Emigration

Any" degree of economic recovery in the Empire increases the prospects of a revival of emigration. The appointment of the Overseas Settlement Board, recom- mended by . the .......

Battles And Raids The Italian Success In Northern...

to have had results neither greater nor less than. might have been expected. Consolidation of the position on the Aradam massif, and road-construction in the small but extremely......

Popular Rule In Spain The Left Has Come--into Power In

Spain without the disasters hinted at by some sections of the Press in this country. An excellent letter in The Times of Tuesday, from three Englishmen of distinction who own......