28 FEBRUARY 1936, page 42

My Pygmy And Negro Hosts

By Paul Schebesta Dr. Schebesta's latest book (Hutchinson, 18s.) is notable mainly for the chapters describing the half-pygmies of the Belgian Congo. Originally the offspring of......

Naval Odyssey By T.- Woodrooffe Naval Odyssey (cape, 10s....

is a well-written aeciauntkof the life of a young officer in a " C " class cruiser during a voyage in the Mediterranean. Mr. Woodrooffe tells his atry in the third person, a......

Men___and-11,0-unxivns---- •

By M. Ilin Looked at either as a simple -text-book . of applied:physical, geography, or as an example of Soviet propaganda,..illti tend Moastains-(Routledge, 7s. (id.) is an......

Cambridge Memories

By Thomas Thornely Good wine is its own commendation, and Mr. Thomas Thornely's Cambridge Memories (Hamish Hamilton, Ss.) is of so admirable a vintage that Mr. J. B. Priestley's......

The White Tuareg

By Operator 1384 Life, in the French Foreign Legion is reputed to be quite unlike the romantic adventurous existence of the legionnaire of fiction. 'Yet book after book comes......