Itittr to tit duIitar.
North Brixton, ,Tanuary 26, 1860.
Sea—I take it for granted that these gentlemen have the interests of the people of the West Indies of all classes at heart, and therefore that they will be obliged to me for the suggestion I am about to make. It appears that the wine growers of France are to be allowed to bring the produce of their skill and industry into the English market at a duty re- duced from 150 to 30 per cent ; and that for the purpose of promoting the true interest and harmony of France and England. The noblest experiment ever made by any country was that for putting an end to slavery in our West Indian Colonies. It cost the people twenty mil- lions : but no one that knows anything worth knowing about the Colonies doubts that for a time many of the Feat Indian proprietors were, as the result, deprived of income, and that estates once of great value have become almost valueless ; but would this have been the case if proper attention had been paid to the subject, and the right measures taken to prepare for the change I think not.
It is not too late to repair, at least sonic of the damage that has been done ; and from a just and liberal Government the colonial proprietors have a right to expect, at least, as much consideration to their interests, as it is now determined to afford; the French wine growers. Why should 100 per cent on the prime cost of sugar be levied as duty on our own colonists, and 30 per cent only on French wines? Let the West Indian Committee at once call a meeting at the City of London Tavern or Freemason's Hall, to petition for a reduction of the duty on sugar to 30 per cent on the prime cost. This will do a thousand times more for them than coolie immigration. It will double the demand for sugar, and enable them to pay such wages as will in- duce thousands of creoles, now working on their provision grounds to return to estate labour, as being the more profitable of the two. In such an at- tempt, I should think 99 out of every 100 of the people of England would be ready to cooperate ; for who does not need sugar more than wine ?