Itatigu Nut Cgulnuial.
fraurt.—The Treaty of Commerce between England and France was signed on Monday. The Patrie of Wednesday published the fol- lowing as a summary of its contents :— " The import......
The hop planters of Kent and Sussex are again in the field for the pur- pose of obtaining the removal of the war tax on hops. They met at Maplehurat on Wednesday, and adopted......
A Dublin journal has published a curious letter from the Pope to the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Cashel, in reply to an address of sym- pathy. The Pope says that all the recent......
One Martin Escalante, a British subject, has been sentenced by a Spanish Court to nine years' penal servitude for the crime of distri- buting copies of the Bible in Spain. A......
T Rittrupnlio.
The two Houses of Convocation met at Westminster on 'Wednesday and held a short sitting. Little was done in either House. In the Lower House Archdeacon Halo drew attention to......