Uthatto Nu Vtnrrritign In Varlinmtut.
PRINCIPAL nrstwEss OF THE WEEK. HOUSE OF Loans. Tuesday, January 24. Opening of the Session ; the Queen's Speech ; Address agreed to. Thursday, January 26. Chancery Procedure......
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THE QUEEN arrived at Buckingham Palace on Monday from Windsor Castle ; and held a Court and Privy Council. At the Court, M. Tri- conpi, the Greek Ambassador, and Mr. Howard,......
T Rittrupnlio.
The two Houses of Convocation met at Westminster on 'Wednesday and held a short sitting. Little was done in either House. In the Lower House Archdeacon Halo drew attention to......
Parliamen Tary Reform.
A deputation headed by Colonel Sykes, Mr. Caird, Mr. Roupell, Mr. Samuel Morley and other gentlemen, waited upon Lord John Russell on Thursday and presented a petition signed by......