to have been an old woman, who was busily employed in cleaning the house when the three kings were journeying to carry the treasures to be offered to the infant Saviour. On being called to see them pass by, she said she could not just then, as she was so busy sweeping the house, but she would be sure to see them as they went back. The kings however, as is well known, returned to their own country by another way; so the old wo- man is supposed to be ever since in a perpetual state of looking out for their coming, something after the manner of the legend of the wandering Jew. She is said to take great interest in the welfare of young children, and par- ticularly of their good behaviour. Through most parts of Italy on the twelfth night the children are put to bed earlier than usual, and a stock- ing taken from each and put before the fire. In a short time there is a cry. " Eceo la Beffana!" and the children hurry out of bed, and rush to the chimney ; when lo ! in the stocking of each is a present, supposed to have been left by the Beffana, and proportioned in its value to the behaviour of the child during the past year. If any one has been unusually rebellious and incorrigible, behold ! the stocking is full of ashes. This degrading and disappointing circumstance is generally greeted by a torrent of tears, and the little rebel is then told, if he or she will promise most faithfully to be better behaved for the future, the stocking shall be replaced, and perhaps the Beffana may rely on the promises of amendment, and leave some little present as she comes back. Accordingly the child is put to bed again, and Ina short time the cry is again raised, " Here's the Beffana," and the child jumps up, runs to the stocking, and finds some little to there, which of course the parents have placed there in the interim. Any misbehaviour during the following year is met with, " Oh ! you naughty child, what did you promise on Epiphany ? No more presents will you get from the Beffana." On the preceding night a sort of fair is held, consisting of the toys so to be presented, which is crowded to excess. On one occasion when I witnessed it at Rome, the soldiers were sent for to clear the way, as the people got so closely packed there was no means of getting about. The in- terest excited could scarcely be believed in England.—From Notes and Qum ies.