28 JANUARY 1860, Page 18


A volume of " Poems and Essays," by the late William Caldwell Roscoe, edited by his brother-in-law, Richard Holt Hutton, is announced as immediately forthcoming by Messrs. Chapman and Hall.

Messrs. Routledge and Co. announce the commencement, on the 1st of February next, of a monthly reissue of the " Spectator," to be com- pleted in about a dozen parts.

Sir John Walsh, M.P., author of " Chapters of Contemporary His- tory," is preparing a volume on " The Practical Results of the Reform Act of 1832."

Messrs. Simpkin, Marshall, and Co. will publish immediately a new work by Miss Agnes Strickland, called " Old Friends and New Ac- quaintances."

Mr. Skeet has in the press two volumes of travels, entitled "Four Years in Burnish," by W. H. Marshall, Esq., former editor of the Ran- goon Chronicle.

The fifth and concluding volume of Lieutenant-Colonel the Honourable C. Oust's "Annals of the Wars of the Eighteenth Century," is announced as forthcoming by Mr. W. Mitchell, Charing Cross. This last volume will comprise the history from 1796 to 1803. Some further antilnariaa works are promised by the Camden Society in the " Letters of George Lord Carew, afterwards Earl of Totnes, to Sir Thomas Roe," and the " Narratives of the Days of the Reformation, f selected from the papers of John Foxe, the Martyrologist." The first of these books will be edited by Mr. John. Maclean, and the second by Mr. John Gough Nichols.

Messrs. Saunders, Otley, and Co. announce as forthcoming a volume of extracts from the works of the present Emperor of the French, under the title " Napoleon the Third on England and English History, as set forth by himself in his own Writings."

A new work by Paul Lacroix, known under the nom de plume of " Jacob le Bibliophile," is among the forthcoming books of the Paris press. It is to be called " Amour des Enfans des Hommes avec les Etres Surnaturels ;" from which striking title the contents may be guessed.

The second volume of the " Portraits Contemporains," by M. Jaques Reynaud, has appeared in Paris. It will be followed by two more volumes, which will complete the work.

Two semi-official pamphlets, both in reply to the famous " Lo Pape et le Congres," have simultaneously appeared in Paris. The first, en- titled " La Maison de Lorraine et l'Opinion Publique," is generally believed to emanate directly from the Grand Duke of Tuscany; and the second, a larger work, accompanied by numerous documents, entitled " La Duchesse de Parme devant l'Europe," is said to come from the Princess named in the title. Its ostensible author, however, is M. Henry de Riancey, editor of the Union.

The French Minister of Commerce and Agriculture has issued a new volume of the great work, " Statistique Generale do la France." It contains, among other information, the statistics of the working of the French system of " Assistance Publique," from 1842 to 1853.

The last two volumes of the " Histoire du Port Royal," by M. Sainte- Beuve, and a Supplement to M. G. Vapereau's " Dictionnaire Universal des Contemporains," published by Hachette and Co., have appeared this week. The last-named work brings the list of biographies of celebrated men up to July, 1859.

A work on political economy, entitled "Etude Economique sur les Tarifa de Douanes," by M, Arne, one of the directors of the French customhouse department, has been published by Guillaumin, Paris.

M. Leon de Wailly, already known as the translator of Burns, who has just published, through Poulet-Malassis and Co., a couple of volumes of " Opuscules Humoristiques de Swift."

In the town library of Ghent there have been discovered some ancient MSS. proving that the art of oil-painting was known in Belgium as early as 1328, and that consequently the brothers Van Eyk (1410), generally believed to be the inventors, cannot claim that honour.

The Russian General J. Bartholomei has published, under the auspices of the Imperial Academy of Sciences of St. Petersburg, a volume of " Lettres Numismatiques et Archoologiques sur la Transcaucasie."