The demand for Money is unabated, and sales of Consols continue for the i purpose of purchasing in Rupee Stock ; the English market has conse- quently been subject to much depression throughout the week, the Funds at the present moment showing a decline of 1 per cent since Saturday last. Consols were first quoted 941 94k, a fall of I per cent from the previous - quotation ; and notwithstanding the satisfactory state of home as well as foreign politics, and the favour with which her Majesty's Speech was received, there has been a gradual drooping in the value of most public securities. To-day the Market has assumed a still heavier appearance, Console being pressed down to 941 941 for Money and 94? 941 for Account. The decrease in the Bank of England stock of bullion led to the belief that the Directors would yesterday have again raised the rate of discount, but the Court broke up without any such resolution ; it is, however, thought likely very soon to occur, if the present demand for specie continue. Bank Stock leaves off 229 231 ; New and Reduced, 941 94i ; India Debentures (1858 and 1859), 98 981. There has been a good inquiry for money in the Stock Exchange all the week. In the Foreign Market a moderate business has been transacted, but at slight alteration in prices ; Turkish Stocks have been rather more sought after—the Old Six per Cents closing today, 79 791 ; and the New, 67 671. Russian Five per Cents, 110 Ill ; Sardinian 8.5 86; Victor Emmanuel, 92 93 ; Portuguese, 44 45 ; Spanish, 44 4,5. Mexican Stock has been sold to a rather large extent; the latest quotation shows a fall of per cent since last week. Peruvian Stocks are firm ; the Four-and-a-half per Cents leaving off, 94 95 ; Ditto Three per Cents, 71 72 ; Ditto Uribarren, 81 82; Ditto Dollar Bonds, 81 82. In other things there have been but few tran- sactions—Venezuela Three per Cents, 261 27; Grenada Active, 16 17; Ditto Deferred, 4. 5 ; Chilian Six per Cents, 103 105 ; Ditto Four-and-a- half per Cents, 87 89; Mexican, 21f 211. Railway Shares have been tolerably active every now and then, but there is a great falling off of late in the amount of business doing ; the depressed state of the Consol Market will in a great measure account for the inactivity prevailing in all the other markets. The last prices of the leading descri- tion of Stocks and Shares are as follows :—London and Brighton, 115 116i ; Great Northern, 1071 1071; London and North-Western, 981 981; London and South-Western, 961 97f ; Caledonian, 931 931 Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 381 39; North Staffordshire, 4 31, ; Midland, 1091 1091 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire' 1001 101. French Railway Shares have been very dull in sympathy with the decline on the Paris Bourse. Paris and Lyons, 35136; Northern of France, 351 361; Lombardo Venetian, 2k 2* ; Paris and Strasbourg, 25 26. The Indian Market is heavy. Increase of the rate for money and continued demand by the public for the Rupee Stock account for the diminished inquiry for stocks in this market. East Indian, 101 1011 ; Great Indian Peninsula, 98/ 99 ; Bombay and Baroda, 971 981 ; Madras, 971 981. A good deal of business has been done in Ocean and Universal Marine Companies' shares, the former is quoted, 21 prem. having been considerably higher; the latter has been purchased up to I prem., at which figures they close. Turkey Bank, par f prem. The New Canada Loan is last quoted, 21 2/ prem.