Letters to the Editor
Homosexuality Stanley Haynes, Paul Ries Collin, Foul Fifteen, Biological Heterosexual, Teacher, P. B., Biological Homosexual Little Sister Mrs. C. B. Dibley, Olive Kent, W. Frazer Annand
The Wrong Lines
Vice-Admiral John Hughes Hallett, M.P.
Space Pantomime Derek Parker
SIR,—Extreme condemnation, like aggression, often arises from fear and insecurity. Three of your readers have been just as disturbed by 'A Biological Homosexual's View' as they have by your enterprise in printing it. Two of their letters were almost violent in their indignation. The third, although written more in sorrow than in anger, referred none the less to 'the in of Sodom and Gomorrah.'
It is open to considerable doubt whether your original contributor was actually defend- ing homosexuality. He was certainly never, to use the hysterical expression of W. J., 'in cold blood flaunting himself.' His article, to me, and I am sure to many of your readers. seemed an exceedingly modest, simple appeal for toleration and understanding. The case could, I think, have been presented more con- vincingly, and perhaps more objectively. But it had courage. The anonymity you gave him could scarcely have affected the effort it cost to write.
problems in our heterosexual relationships that we can condemn so savagely the existence of a difficulty that might well be only an exten- sion of our own?—Yours faithfully.
Chelsea, S.W .3.