Sir,—the Three Correspondents Whose Replies You Have...
clearly the public opinion, which 1 venture to think your contributor knew, but all three have missed the opportunity of replying to the important suggestion in his penultimate......
Sir,—i Am Relieved To See That Your Campaign For The
toleration of homosexual practices appears to have elicited no support from your readers. The sad thing is that the healthy reaction displayed in your correspondence columns......
I Feel That Those Responsible For The Spectator Were Guilty
of a lapse of judgement when they allowed a defence of homosexuality to be published in the same edition as the new Schools Competition. In many sixth forms the Spectator is a......
Somewhat Ridiculous Challenge, I Hope That You Will Allow Me
to answer it. He is ignorant, and no doubt proud so to be, of the subject he so resoundingly and self-righteously attacks. Had he prepared himself by purely literary study, he......
Euston 3221
Told By The Science Master To 'look At Facts Like
a little child'; and to have to imagine that my sisters are likewise subjected to the quite un- mentionable facts of life as well, especially at an age when it is considered by......
Letters To The Editor
Homosexuality Stanley Haynes, Paul Ries Collin, Foul Fifteen, Biological Heterosexual, Teacher, P. B., Biological Homosexual Little Sister Mrs. C. B. Dibley, Olive Kent, W.......
Sir,—since You Were Severely Castigated In Last Week's...
three of your correspon- dents, may I help redress the balance by con- gratulating you upon your public spirit in allotting space for the ventilation of this subject. I am not a......