Country Life
By IAN' NIALL T HE hard winter, such as we are experiencing now, is always welcomed by gardeners and farmers because at low temperatures it is reasonable to expect that large......
Price Of Lamb Lambing Time Covers A Good Part Of
winter and spring and it has already started. The first lambs on the farm nearest to as were four or five days old when the snow came, but the cold weather had been forecast and......
City And Suburban
By JOHN BETJEMAN T HIS is the first week, for many, of the shortest, but nevertheless the nastiest, term at school. Think, dear readers, those of you who have passed your......
Fox Alarm In The Past Year I Have Seen Foxes
on about half a dozen or so occasions, and if I took my experience as an indication of the number living in my locality I should be very far out. rile hedgerows and woods are......
An Early Start Gardeners Who Have A Greenhouse Always Have
a long lead over their neighbours, particularly when it comes to advancing such things as begonias which can be set in peat moss. Dahlias from which cuttings are wanted can also......