January 30, 1830
TITE election of Mr. Shcc to fill the office of President of the Royal Academy, has excited general. surprise out of the Academy, and some disappointment within it. We are some- what at a loss to conceive upon what grounds the Academicians made choice of Mr. Shee. His ability as an artist is equalled by many, and surpassed by several in that one. depart- ment in which he excels, portrait-painting. . His manners are those of a gentleman, his principles are liberal, he possesses a high feeling for art, and he is courteous without being servile; added to which, he is indepen- dent in mind and in his circumstances, and generally. esteemed by artists and by his private circle of friends for his good qualities. He has also fewer enemies in and out of the Academy than many men of eminent talent. But to what do all these good qualities amount in relation to the high and important office he has been called to?—At best to a negative of unfitness.